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My Road to Recovery: Part 3

As of today, May 24, 2012 it has been 10 weeks and 2 days since my oh so wonderful injury playing basketball.  Angry, frustrated, down, defeated and maybe even depressed are a few words to describe my mood as of right now.  The doctors gave me a 6-8 week timetable for a healthy return to walking, but yet I’m still in pain and can’t even straighten my foot.  I cannot walk without the assistance of a cam boot, which to be honest, isn’t the most stylish footwear choice.

I don’t know how anyone else could react to this situation unless they were in my shoe (pun intended), although I have talked to a few people who dealt with similar injuries and they all seemed to be in the same mindset.  I guess I can take some positive from that and keep pressing forward.  I really don’t think going back is an option……actually I’m pretty sure it’s not even a realistic possibility.

The most difficult part of this process is the fact that normally when I’m upset or angry I go play basketball to relax my mind, but in this situation basketball is the reason I’m upset and angry.  Just the thought of that makes me shake my head (SMH) and makes me a little more angrier.  A nickname I was given back in the day when I was younger is so fitting right now for me.  “Incredible Hulk” is the big green angry side of Dr. Bruce Banner, but I’m so happy I’ve matured over the years……phewww that might be a problem nowadays.

I sit and wonder what factors could be in play with the lack of speed in my rehabilitation process.  6-8 weeks have come and gone so fast, it’s really hard to believe it has been that long.  I wonder if I was doing too much after a certain amount of time.  I wonder if I didn’t keep it elevated as long as I should have, or iced it enough.  I wonder if I didn’t rest enough, or if I walked too much on it…..or better yet if I crutched (not a word)  too much on it.

I go back to the doctors on Friday the 25th and hope I don’t get any bad news.  I’m a little worried that they’ll tell me to lock myself in the house again and do absolutely nothing.  I really hope that isn’t the case….as that would really be devastating to my mental psyche.  I hope they say “go get a nice pair of swimming trunks and do as much pool rehab as you’d like.”  That would make my day and weekend amazing.  I would probably even get on twitter and go #FF (Follow Friday) crazy.  LOL!  I have nothing else to do, but write and continue to try to build “The Sports Hound” brand and work on becoming one of the top Philadelphia sports bloggers in the meantime.  Sounds like a plan to me.

P.S.  DO NOT……I repeat do not try to be super dad and play football with your son while slowly recovering from a broken ankle.  It’s probably not the best career move you could make.